Congo Tomorrow
Youth Gender Justice
Congo Tomorrow is a social justice initiative seeking to inspire Congolese youth to seize a future of Pan African peace, power and prosperity. Congo Tomorrow celebrates the sacredness of the female body, reimagines masculine power, embraces LGBTI people, and promotes economic justice. In year one we have trained and engaged over 250 youth, and brought together over 1000 Christians in worship to support this generation in transformation.

East Africa Affirming Congregations
Faith activists across East Africa have partnered with TFAM to create progressive congregations which are dramatically altering the Christian landscape and mobilizing advocacy in their region. These ministries are a beacon of hope for LGBTI people and a home base for progressive believers and allies. They are an incubator for queer and allied affirming leaders to gain stature and social capital as change makers for Africa’s inclusive future.

Rwanda PRIDE
In 2017, Rwandan activists hosted their first national pride conference and celebration, Forward Together 2018. Forward Together is a now an annual celebration of the resilience, creativity, vision, and collaborations of the Rwandan LGBTI community.
Forward Together features (1) a symposium highlighting the community’s social justice work in partnership with faith leaders, civil society advocates, media professionals, academics, government officials, and business executives, (2) a music festival, feasting, and a range of sports activities, and (3) a joint worship service for the LGBTI community, affirming believers of all stripes, and allies from other traditions.

Pan Africanist Movement Building
TFAM Global was founded in 2010 by Pan African, progressive faith leaders who understand the centuries of global exploitation, repression, and defamation of people of African descent. TFAM Global convenes and mobilizes people of African descent to discuss best practices, to amplify our voices to hear each other and to be heard in the global public square, and to implement tactical advocacy programs that improve the lived reality of our people.

East Africa LGBTI Radio Shows
TFAM in East Africa has championed media properties to transform public understanding about the existence and genuine “African” identity of queer people. Our media work is composed of: self-produced radio programs, press conferences, and sensitivity training for journalists.
In Kenya, TFAM affiliated clergy host Thoughtful Thursdays, a radio segment featured on the morning show on Ghetto Radio, a station that dominates the youth audience. Affirming clergy discuss the issues of the day with full dignity for sexual minorities as a major theme.
In Rwanda, LGBTI and affirming civil society advocates fully produce a 60-minute radio program, Forward Together, which is a bi-monthly talk show on City Radio advocating for LGBTI inclusion.
TFAM leaders in East Africa have set a new bar for courage, as they have persevered through hostile comments from listeners, and suspicion from media executives. Indeed these leaders are the hope of an LGBTI inclusive Africa.

Progressive Theological Education
Theological education in Africa has been dominated by conservative forces. Since 2010, TFAM Global has worked with more than one thousand clergy and LGBTI faith leaders to engage perspectives, which encourage thoughtful consideration of context in assessing the modern day application of scriptures. TFAM Global is working to create a certified institute for progressive theology in East Africa that changes the landscape of Christianity across the region and creates a pipeline for progressive thought leadership in Africa.

Womanist Empowerment
TFAM Global grounds our work in a theology that celebrates the divine feminine from an Afro-centric perspective. Womanist theology de-centers patriarchy and elevates the lives of women of African descent and LGBTI people.
EMPOWERMENT: We are supporting educational opportunities for women in East Africa and are working with them to develop models of empowered leadership in ministry. We use a Womanist lense locating female leadership in the biblical text and in the story of freedom today.

TFAM Global understands the connection between LGBTI dignity and women’s sexual and reproductive health. Our KOGIS initiative aims to address some of the issues affecting girls in Kenya by providing menstrual pads, menstrual hygiene products and information on sexual and reproductive health each month. Under the leadership of Auxiliary Bishop Andrea Vassell, the project was launched at Transformer Secondary School; A private high school in the slum area of Mukuru Kwa Ruben, Nairobi.

TFAM in Asia
TFAM in Asia works to promote programs and initiatives that address the social and moral inclusion of LGBTQ Christians throughout Asia. Under the leadership of Rev. Dr. Boon Ngeo, TFAM Global has provided more than 200 presentations in more than 40 cities and garnered major news coverage in many languages to reach millions of people in Asia in support of LGBTQI people and religion.

TFAM in Mexico
TFAM’s first international ministry was founded in Tijuana, Mexico, where faithful TFAM clergy provide “a house of worship” within the Las Memorias HIV/AIDS treatment center. Our leaders present a Gospel witness of inclusion and justice for patients which both comforts and empowers these brave souls with.

TFAM in the United Kingdom
The Regeneration Project is a Spirit-filled radically inclusive community of Christ-followers. We are neither liberal nor conservative. We are radical. Radical means a returning to the roots or origins. The roots of the Way are inclusive. We are committed to the belief that the true spirit of Pentecost is when children, women and men are brought together in the power of the Holy Spirit and speak the same language. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of inclusion. The Regeneration Project welcomes everyone because we believe in the all-welcoming God. We exist because we believe that everybody deserves to attend a wonderful, inclusive church that fully reflects the beauty of God’s Kingdom.